Friday, May 08, 2009
Barack's Boondoggle Flyover Contest
Washington, D.C. - Word comes today from the White House that Louis Caldera, Director of the White House Military Office and chief orchestrator of the Air Force One flyover of New York City for an aerial photo shoot which caused widespread panic for residents reminiscent of 9/11, resigned. In addition, the White House released a photograph captured during the horrifying stunt which has cost taxpayers an estimated $357,000. Also leaked was a purported internal investigation from the White House Counsel which illustrated the insane thinking which was involved in the planning and execution of the flyover.
Given the state of the economy and in consideration of New Yorkers' feelings (afterall they helped to place the anointed one where he is today) we suggest that the White House refrains from repeating any further flyovers and instead spends a few minutes with commercially available software to create Barack's Boondoggle Flyover Contest. Furthermore, we humbly submit a list of prizes for the choicest of entries:
Grand Prize Winner - A luxury all expense trip to D.C., where the winner is wined and dined at one of the many White House weekly parties. Imagine the excitement of tasting $100 lb. Kobe beef and rubbing elbows with elite tax cheats like Timothy Geithner! First Prize - A session with Barack's own teleprompter in the White House press conference room. Enjoy the thrill of standing in front of TV cameras reading a karaoke script in front of adoring fans! Second Prize - An afternoon with Michelle in the White House garden. Learn about the White House's efforts to plant an environmentally friendly vegetable garden while touring around in one of the dozens of carbon belching armored SUV's!
All prizes do not include taxes (which of course are going up!), fees, and processing charges. Additionally, all winners must agree to proclaim an oath of allegiance to Obama and pass mandatory screening procedures. One entry per email address, please.
Obama Original... Cost? $357,000

Here's our entry... cost? zero + five minutes in PS
New Entry - Thanks J.R.!

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